Digital PSP Scanner - Reader VET
Phosphor Plates Advantages
Long Lasting
Easy to positioning
Easy to use
Sizes 0, 1, 2 and 3
PSP Scanner Trident Reader
PSP Scanner Trident Reader
Connect Reader directly to your computer and start scanning; once you insert the plate into the slot, Reader automatically recognizes the plate’s size and HD images will be in your computer in few seconds. Three LED lights will indicate the status of the process.
Reader has an inner power supply adaptor to work from 100 to 220 V.
Sensor TDI CCD
Reader does not need big spaces for installation.
The whole system is wonderfully compact, measuring 17 x 19 x 30 cm only.
Reader delivers highly precise digital images to any PC in less than 20 seconds: Only ten seconds to scan and five seconds to clean the plates for a new image.
Reader is a cost-effective option for any practice. It perfectly works with your traditional AC or DC X-Ray generator, providing high quality images for accurate diagnosis.
Reader enables getting clear HD images repeatedly using the same plate, with no film processing extra cost: No chemicals, film processor or dark room needed.